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IT Strategy

We tailor our technology services and IT consulting solutions to meet your critical business challenges. We aim to improve performance and reduce implementation time and risk. Our talented technology consultants provide services in multiple areas.

Partner Relations and Communication

What you say and how you say it is as vital whom you say it to. The Orange Mile creates centered informing crosswise over different verticals in the company and helps set up long term partnership.

Any communication has three factors: time, message and the person to whom it´s intended. Stakeholder´s attitude towards a corporate is important for the success of the business. The orange mile expert team handles this in a consistent manner. The effective communication between all the stakeholders is made possible through our effective strategic plans. The communication intended for stakeholders are to be planned according to the target audience. At the orange mile we execute a step by step strategy comprising of making the stakeholders understand the target, Influence the groups which have power over other stake holders, effective dialogue and communication through feedbacks, and thereby building a strong long term relationship with the customers.

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